Live, Attenuated, Freeze Dried
Ranikhet disease ‘F’ Strain is a lentogenic Strain. It is least stress causing vaccine virus strain in this class. It can be used at any age including birds in lay without any effect on laying as booster vaccine. The vaccine contains live attenuated Ranikhet disease ‘F’ strain virus propagated in SPF chicken eggs and is available in freeze dried form. The vaccine contains ≥ 106 EID50 virus per dose.

Primary :
. 1-7 days old chicks.
. This vaccine can be given in cold drinking water for mass vaccination to provide booster immunity.

Reconstitute 100 doses in 4 ml, 200 doses in 8 ml, 500 doses in 20 ml, 1000 doses in 40 ml, and 2000 doses in 80 ml using ice cooled vaccine diluents.
(a) Oral or I/ Nasal, I/Ocular method. Vaccinate chicks by putting one drop in the month of the chick or by one drop in eye or in one nose.
(b) By drinking water methods- The reconstituted vaccine is mixed in cold drinking water. Use enough water (for 1000 chicks use one litre water stabilized with 2 gm dry baby milk powder per day of age) which the chicks can drink in 1 to 2 hours.

100, 200, 500, 1000 and 2000 dose vials.

Store the vaccine at 20– 80C. Cool the diluent in ice one hour before start of vaccination. Always keep the reconstituted vaccine on ice during vaccination and use it within 2 hours.