Rabies Veterinary Vaccine I.P., Inactivated, Cell Culture

7 Dec

Rabies Veterinary Vaccine I.P., Inactivated, Cell Culture

Inactivated (Cell Culture)
(Pre Exposure and Post Bite Use)
Rabies Vet™


Rabies is a fatal neurological disease of canines specially dogs, wolves, jackals, mongoose, etc. It is caused by Rabies virus.

The incubation period varies from a few days to several months (usually 5-40 days) depending on the amount of virus injected during bite and nearness to brain & major nerve trunks etc. The disease takes the toll of its prey in almost 100% cases usually within 5-10 days of appearance of clinical symptoms. Rabies is transmitted by bites of rabid dogs and other canines to all domesticated animals which in most cases results in deaths if not treated.

The animals affected with Rabies-called rabid animals become either very violent or dumb. They get excited at slight disturbance & bite wooden, stony objects and any animal including man.

Rabies Vet™ has been prepared by inactivating Rabies virus (Pitman Moore strain) grown in VERO cell culture, with ß-propiolactone. It is available in liquid form adjuvanted with aluminium hydroxide gel. It meets Standards for rabies vaccine as per Indian Pharmacopoeia

The manufacturing facilities meet the requirements of cGMP guidelines of revised schedule `M’ of Government of India.



One ml dose of vaccine is recommended as an aid in preventing rabies in animals e.g. Dogs, Cattle, and Sheep & Goat above 3 months age, regardless of species, age and size of animals. Booster injection is indicated 1-3 years after primary immunization as long as exposed animals remains at risk. Annual booster dose is recommended in endemic areas.

—Single dose for animals of 3 months of age and above. In case vaccine is given at 3 months
age then boosters vaccination after 4 weeks is recommended in endemic areas.
—Five doses to be given regularly at days 0, 3, 7, 14 and 28. Sixth dose at day 90 is optional (‘0’ day being the day of first injection after the bite/exposure of animal).



Shake well before use. Administer by intramuscular route.



1 ml, 5 ml & 10 ml vials.



Store protected from light in a refrigerator (+20C to +8oC). Do not freeze.

7 Dec

Clostridium Perfringens Vaccine, Inactivated, I.P. (Type B, C & D)

Each doses(2 ml) contains : Inactivated bacterin of Clostridium Perfringens type B, C & D ≥109,
adjuvanted with Aluminium hydroxide gel.It confers protection against the following common disease:

Disease C1.perfringens Type Host Animal & Disease Caused
– Lamb Dysentry

-Piglets diarrhoea

Type ‘B’ •Lambs & Piglets upto 10-12 days causes

•Dysentry & deaths

•Causes haemorrhagic diarrhoea



-Piglets enterotoxaemia

Type ‘C’ •Adult Sheep causes acute gastrits & enterititis, sudden death

•Adult goats causes neurotoxaemia, convulsions & death

•2-10 days old piglets


(Pulpy Kidney)

Type ‘D’ •Adult sheep & goats and young lambs & kids where dams were not vaccinated become victims of this disease causing acute neurotoxaemia resulting in convulsions & death.

Vaccinate animals with vaccine after shaking as subcutaneous injection. The dose for adult sheep, Goat & pigs is 2.0 ml and for young lamb, kid, piglets is 1.0 ml. Vaccine is normally given two times at 15 days intervals. Vaccine protects for 6-9 months.

  1. Pregnant animals must be given vaccine two times at 15 days interval, atleast one months before parturition.
  2. Lambs/kids/Piglets are protected for 4-6 weeks from vaccinated dams.
  3. Lambs/kids/Piglets from unvaccinated dams should be vaccinated within one week of birth or soon after.

Vaccine is available in 50 dose(100 ml vial). It is stored at 2-80C in cold store/refrigerator. Purchase vaccine from authorized chemist only. Consult veterinary doctors/specialists.

7 Dec

Peste Des Petitis Ruminants Live, I.P.


PPR vaccine is an attenuated live viral vaccine(Sungri strain, developed by the I.V.R.I. India) produced by using vero cell line adapted PPR virus. The virus is propagated in vero cells mixed with stabilizer and freeze dried. It is available in 20 & 100 dose vial with vaccine diluent.



Each dose of reconstituted vaccine contains not less than 1025 TCID50 of PPR vaccine virus. In addition, the vaccine contains the following components as stabilizer.
• Lactalbumin hydrolysate 2.5% w/v
• Sucrose 5.0 w/v



No adverse reaction is encountered.



Primary vaccination at the age 4-6 months confers protection for full life of the animals(Sheep & Goats).



Reconstitute the freeze dried vaccine with chilled diluent. Administer subcutaneously to each animal (Sheep / Goats). Pregnant animals can also be vaccinated, without causing any disturbance to the animal.



  1. Vaccine should be used under the supervision of Veterinary Doctor.
  2. Separate H/D needle should be used for each animal.
  3. Vaccine should be reconstituted in cold vaccine diluent after all the arrangements for starting of vaccination is complete.
  4. Use the reconstituted vaccine within 1 hour by keeping over chilled pack in a thermocol box.
  5. Burn empty vials or dip in boiling water.


The freeze dried vaccine should be transported in ice box packed with chilled pack observing strict cold-chain and stored in refrigerator. The vaccine keeps well without significant loss of titre at +2 to 80C for 2 years.

7 Dec

Sheep Pox Vaccine I.P.


Sheep pox is amongst the most virulent of diseases in Sheep. It is highly contagious and spreads by direct contact. The virus is highly resistant. It gains entry by inhalation and direct contacts with infected animal.Young animals are more susceptible than adults. The incubation period is 2-7 days in fulminating form and 10-20 days in mild benign form.

The disease is recognised by fever which lasts for 1-2 days before eruptions appear on area of skin, which are not covered by wool/hair. The affected animals do not eat, have difficulty in breathing, stand separately from healthy animals with their heads down, may have salivation, lacrimation, bronchial coughs and diarrhoea. The disease course is of 3-6 weeks.

This vaccine contains, attenuated virus in freeze dried form. The vaccine confers solid protection against pox disease in sheep. The vaccine is available in 50 & 100 dose vial with vaccine diluent.



All sheep and lambs above two months of age should be vaccinated atleast once a year. Lambs & Kids vaccinated at less than 6 months age should be revaccinated at 6 months of age to boost immunity.



The vaccine is reconstituted thoroughly in the chilled vaccine diluent provided. Inject vaccine subcutaneously in the ear flap skin or any other suitable location. Local pox lesion of 1.5 to 2.0 cm in diameter may develop in 6-8 days without generalization. Reconstituted vaccine should be kept cool and used within 2 hours of its reconstitution.



  • Vaccine should be used under the direction of Veterinary Doctor.
  • Vaccine should be reconstituted in cold vaccine diluent after all the arrangements for starting of vaccination is complete.
  • Vaccinate healthy animals only.
  • Burn empty vials or dip in boiling water.
  • Vaccine diluent can be stored at room temperature.


Vaccine is available in 50 & 100 dose vial with vaccine diluent. The vaccine should be stored at 20-80C in refrigerator.

7 Dec

Clostridium Perfringens Vaccine, Inactivated I.P. (Type D, Enterotoxaemia vaccine)

Enterotoxaemia disease is usually seen in animals of one to three months age, although it can affect them at any age. This disease is mostly observed in the months of May, June & July. The disease is more often observed when the animals graze in the fields of pea, barley and corn or they are given high grain ration with less volume of leafy material to graze. It can cause death in 10-20% animals. Any type of treatment cannot save the affected animals; therefore, it is necessary to vaccinate animals before the disease strikes them.
The flock of diseased animals should be given no feed for 2 days. Then give small volumes of grass for grazing increasing gradually. Grains and grazing in post harvest fields should be avoided.


The vaccine contains Toxoid & Bacterin of Clostridium perfringens Type ‘D’ adjuvanted with Aluminium Hydroxide Gel. This vaccine is used for providing prophylactiic protection against Enterotoxaemin disease in sheep & goats, which is caused by toxins of Clostridium perfringens Type ‘D’.



Before the start of disease season, vaccination with Enterotoxaemia vaccine should be done twice at 15 days intervals .
Pregnant animals should be vaccinated twice 15 days apart at least one month before delivery. This method confers protection to lambs up to 2 months age. All unvaccinated animals should be immediately vaccinated if the disease outbreak is noticed.



Shake the vaccine well and inject 2.0 ml per animal subcutaneously in the neck region



50 dose vial.



In most animals, vaccination two times at 15 days interval results in protection for 9 months or more. Revaccination (once) after 9 months assures full protection for one year. In vaccinated animals also, the disease may strike, but it is very mild in nature.



Vaccine should be stored at 20-80C in cold store/refrigerator protected from light.Do not freeze.

Company information

Bio-Med (P) Limited was established with an abiding faith in the wisdom enshrined in the age-old saying………….
“Prevention is better than cure”
It was with this objective that Bio-Med embarked on its noble mission of producing world-class vaccines essential to the needs of a developing country-India.